Tuesday, June 21, 2011

To start off

I'm watching a movie right now about a young lady who had a baby inside of a Wal-Mart. Let me just save you the work and let you dear reader(s) in on a little secret: this first post doesn't have much point.
 Recently I had two friends that decided to start posting blogs, and I've joined the bandwagon. The two of them have some very cool things to offer.
Lua Nemic talks about having self confidence, treating yourself right in a relationship, and beauty products. She writes about organic products and anything between Wal-Mart and Chanel. Perhaps that comparision was terrible, since I'm mostly a Wal-Mart shopper and haven't experienced much outside of a local mall.
The other is a girl that I graduated with from a high school in Indiana. She is interested in having her own bakery and will probably be successful if she continues working at it and being excited for it. Love Muffin has just started her blog today, and I'm excited to see what she posts!

I suppose I could talk about myself for a short bit. I am currently employed part time at a new FedEx building. I love my job, but I don't make enough to safely move out on. :/ I am 20 years old, still living with my parents. I think that I'm going to become an accountant sometime in life, after wanting to have my own bakery, or wanting to become a health inspector, or do some sort of study of how language affects people.  Regardless of whatever degree I get, I will always be a crazy cat lady. I have two cats (and take care of a third) and I have my cutesy patootsie bunny.
I plan on blogging about growing up. I am a big little kid, I don't know what debt is, but I know what not having anything feels like, or expressing the joy of buying one's first furniture set.